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Back in the Studio

My exhibition Wallmatter & Rustmatter is now finished and I would like to thank everybody who visited my exhibition. It was fun meeting up with family, friends and chatting with new people who came in to browse and wanted to know more about the artwork. I am now back in the studio working on new artworks for my next projects.

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As always, thank you for supporting living artists!


New Solo Exhibition

Wallmatter & Rustmatter

Open Daily

During August

10am. - 4pm.

Waterwheel Gallery

3400 Warburton HWY


Surfaces and objects touched by time tell a story and are a raw reflection of their environment. I want to highlight the significance of a random mark, or the crumbling texture of a wall in an underground space. They are evidence to a previous time in history. My abstractions are investigations into marks and traces left behind in urban and rural environments.

Newspaper Interview

New Artworks

Landwrap 4 series.

Small collages on sealed boards, ready to hang.

A primal aerial view over Australia. A relationship with the earth. A subconscious rendering of the desolate wilderness, granite ochre landscapes, patterns and marks in the landscape, deserts plains shrubby forests, waterholes and walking tracks of Australia.

See all the artworks in this series