Outlook8studio - Visual Artist - Jenny Davis - Unique artistic vision that focuses on abstract art and eco-friendly materials

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Landwrap 1,2,3

Now all the 3 artworks are installed at the Rydges Hotel in Melbourne.
Landwrap series statement
Artworks linking to the primal aerial view over Australia. Land Wrap is my relationship with the earth. A subconscious rendering of the desolate wilderness, granite landscapes, deserts, forests, waterholes and walking tracks of Australia. Being a primal source of the earth , once one is cloaked in “Land Wrap” it gives protection and wisdom for our future survival. - Jenny Davis 2023

1,2- Size 280 x100cm

3 - Size 210 x 100cm

Landwrap 3, hangs in the penthouse suite. As this was occupied at the time I was unable to get a photo of it.